The Time Travelers (1964)

Movie Title: The Time Travelers

Year Released: 1964

Rated: Not Rated

Runtime: 1h 22min

Genre: Sci-Fi

Director: Ib Melchior

Writer: Ib Melchior

Starring: Preston Foster, Philip Carey, Merry Anders, John Hoyt, Dennis Patrick, Joan Woodbury, Delores Wells, Steve Franken, Berry Kroeger, Forrest J. Ackerman

Review: A group of scientists in the '60s create a time portal that transports them to the year 2071. They discover that the future Earth is inhabited by mutants, robots, and the last remaining humans struggling for survival.

The Time Travelers is kind of a forgotten gem of '60s sci-fi. It definitely has its classic troupes (mutant villains, robots, post-nuclear war wasteland, time portals, rocket ships, etc.), but what makes this one memorable are the remarkable "in camera" special effects. Most of the impressive visual effects are actually magician's illusions. The most impressive is when a damaged android lies down on a table, has its head removed, then replaced, then gets up and walks out of the room, all in one unbroken shot. No CGI here, folks!

The Time Travelers is a lot of fun and is very inventive, but the characters aren't very interesting. I will say this though, the ending is one of the most impressive and clever finales of any sci-fi fantasy film to date. So if you're sci-fi savvy then get ready to see the future with The Time Travelers. Come for the robot head removal, stay for the timely ending.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The mutants were played by members of the Los Angeles Lakers.


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