Baby Driver (2017)

Movie Title: Baby Driver

Year Released: 2017

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 52min

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama

Director: Edgar Wright

Writer: Edgar Wright

Starring: Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Eiza González, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Jon Bernthal, Flea

Review: After running afoul of a crime boss (Kevin Spacey), a young getaway driver (Ansel Elgort) finds himself taking part in dangerous heists. Now, he wants out for good, and to take the darling Debora (Lily James) with him. Oh, Baby! Director Edgar Wright grabs the wheel, puts the pedal to the metal and takes you on an exciting, fast-paced thrill-ride! This movie is literally driven by music...pun intended! The driving stunts are amazing, the editing is brilliant, and the music is a character all its own that'll have you boogieing in your seat. Actors Jon Bernthal, Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx are all at the top of their game. My only criticism is that the movie is more about the style, music and perfect editing and less about characters. Don't get me wrong, this movie is great! I was engaged with the story, action and the music definitely had me grooving as I watched. Edgar've done it again!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: All of the driving scenes were accomplished without the aid of visual effects or CGI.


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