Brainscan (1994)

Movie Title: Brainscan

Year Released: 1994

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 36min

Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: John Flynn

Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker

Starring: Edward Furlong, Frank Langella, T. Ryder Smith, Amy Hargreaves, Jamie Marsh, Victor Ertmanis, David Hemblen

Review: Michael (Edward Furlong) has seen every horror movie and played every video game out there. Now, he's looking for something more entertaining, more thrilling, more realistic. When he becomes part of an interactive video game he learns the true meaning of horror. It seems like the movies of the '90s that dealt with culture, technology, and trends now seem undeniably dated and "Brainscan" is no exception. Landline phones, CD-Rom video games, VHS tapes, it's like a trip down memory lane for me with all of this "ancient" media. I didn't see "Brianscan" when it came out in 1994 so I don't have any attachment to it or nostalgia for it. With my recent, first-time watch I found it silly, laughable, and just plain bad. There's an interesting concept for a tech-based horror movie in there, but the movie isn't executed very well, the characters are boring, and the villain is more cartoon-ish than scary. I'm not sure if that was the point, but other than the look of the "Trickster", this movie is very forgettable.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Director John Flynn did not get along with Edward Furlong during filming. He later recalled, "Eddie Furlong was a 15-year-old kid who couldn't act."


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