Conspiracy Theory (1997)

Movie Title: Conspiracy Theory

Year Released: 1997

Rated: R

Runtime: 2h 15min

Genre: Action, Mystery, Thriller

Director: Richard Donner

Writer: Brian Helgeland

Starring: Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts, Patrick Stewart, Cylk Cozart, Steve Kahan, Terry Alexander

Review: Jerry Fletcher's (Mel Gibson) obsession with conspiracy theories makes him a target after one turns out to be true. With the help of a Justice Department agent (Julia Roberts), he has to figure out which theory it is before it's too late. Director Richard Donner (Lethal Weapon) teams up with Mel Gibson again to create a thriller that's action-packed, suspenseful, and fun. Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts have wonderful on-screen chemistry that makes you invest in them and their plight; both are at the top of their game. Patrick Stewart's menacing Dr. Jonas makes for a great villain. This is one of my favorite movies of the '90s. I've always been a fan of Richard Donner and Mel Gibson's movies, but this is my favorite of their collaborations. 'Conspiracy Theory' has become one of those forgotten gems that's definitely worth a watch.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: According to Richard Donner, Mel Gibson improvised the opening scenes in which his character expounds his conspiracy theories to a succession of passengers.


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