Supercop (1992)

Movie Title: Supercop

Year Released: 1992

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 31min

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime

Director: Stanley Tong

Writer: Edward Tang, Fibe Ma and Lee Wai Yee

Starring: Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Cheung, Kenneth Tsang, Wah Yuen, Bill Tung

Review: A Hong Kong detective (Jackie Chan) teams up with his superior (Michelle Yeoh) to stop a Chinese drug czar. Jackie Chan has put some of the most breathtakingly brilliant stunts on the screen for decades. The tagline for this movie is "Meet the cop that can't be stopped!" and it's true! Supercop is the definitive Jackie Chan stunt spectacular. He, and co-star Michelle Yeoh (of 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' fame), pull-off some of the most death-defying stunts ever captured on film. The motorbike jump stunt and Chan hanging off a helicopter via rope ladder will have you holding your breath. All the stunts are real! No Green Screens Here! They don't make 'em like that anymore. It's fun, action-packed entertainment. Jackie Chan knows how to "Wow!" an audience and 'Supercop' is proof of that.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Michelle Yeoh performed her own motorbike jump stunt.


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