Aladdin (1992)

Movie Title: Aladdin

Year Released: 1992

Rated: G

Runtime: 1h 31min

Genre: Animation, Musical, Fantasy

Director: Ron Clements, John Musker

Writer: Ron Clements, John Musker, Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio

Starring: Scott Weinger, Robin Williams, Linda Larkin, Jonathan Freeman, Frank Welker, Gilbert Gottfried, Douglas Seale, Jim Cummings

Review: When street rat Aladdin (Scott Weinger) frees a genie (Robin Williams) from a lamp, he finds his wishes granted. However, he soon finds that the evil has other plans for the lamp -- and for Princess Jasmine (Linda Larkin). But can Aladdin save Princess Jasmine and his love for her after she sees that he isn't quite what he appears to be?

Aladdin (1992) is without a doubt, a Disney classic, and along with The Lion King has enshrined itself as one of my favorite animated Disney films of all time. What I particularly enjoy about Aladdin are the memorable music numbers, the grandiose palace of Agrabah, and Robin Williams portraying the always lovable genie that all kids from my generation assuredly grew up adoring. This film excels at being imaginative and wondrous while also being sly and witty in order to captivate both children and adults alike. There is a true sense of magic to this film that allows the mind to run wild and the animation holds up to this day. Another standout here is the film's villain, Jafar. He is imposing, intimidating, and enigmatic. Despite the fact that I hated him as a kid, he certainly helped make the movie great, which ultimately led me to beg my parents to buy me the toy version of his infamous staff that he used to hypnotize people. I used to run around the house trying to hypnotize my parents into giving me extra desserts, but that obviously didn't work. Aladdin was a huge part of my childhood, as well as so many others that grew up during the 90s. It stands the test of time, and is a movie that will inevitably be revered until the end of time. If you haven't seen this film, step into the Cave of Wonders and prepare to get whisked away on a magic carpet, and immerse yourself into this Disney classic!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Aladdin became the 14th in history, and the first animated film to gross more than $200 million.


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