Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958)

Movie Title: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

Year Released: 1958

Rated: Not Rated

Runtime: 1h 5min

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Nathan Juran

Writer: Mark Hanna

Starring: Allison Hayes, William Hudson, Yvette Vickers, Roy Gordon, George Douglas, Ken Terrell, Otto Waldis, Eileen Stevens, Michael Ross, Frank Chase

Review: Nancy (Allison Hayes), a mistreated socialite, is finally fed up with her philandering husband and decides to run away. Her trip is detoured when she has a close encounter with an alien and his large sphere spacecraft. When no one believes her incredible claims, Nancy searches for alien visitors, and gets more than she bargained after their second meeting when she grows to amazing heights - 50 feet, give or take. Her cheating husband and his new lover better hide before they fall victim to the Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is one of the greatest movie titles in all of film and it also has maybe the greatest poster to ever advertise a feature film, but the sad fact is... this movie is bad on so many levels, but its saving grace is that it's so bad it's good.

First off, it's boring. The characters aren't at all interesting and are a chore to watch as the audience anxiously awaits the giant gal to get to smashing and bashing. Plus, everyone just seems to be an unlikable idiot.

Secondly, the story really doesn't make a lick of sense. As a giant bald alien-man exits his UFO, which is just a plain white sphere, he meets our protagonist and somehow inexplicably turns her into a giant. What, that's it? Pretty much.

And lastly, the special effects are just disappointing. Once Nancy is a giant the scale of her vertical growth is all over the place. In one scene she's chained up, as a giant, in her average sized bedroom and all you see is a huge fake hand that kind of just flops around. Then, once she breaks free, our "50 Foot Woman" becomes transparent as it passes by scenery, high tension power lines, and buildings. It's laughably bad!

Another odd thing is that for a movie called Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, the 50-foot woman does not make her first full appearance until 56 minutes into the movie, and remember the running time is only 1h 5mins. So for only 9 minutes of screen-time the filmmakers couldn't even deliver on the promise of a sci-fi flick with some halfway decent special effects, the total selling point of this picture! Just shameful.

However, as remarkably bad as Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is, it's still a cult classic that should be seen just once for the thrill of making fun of such a bad movie with friends. Or maybe just look at the poster and skip the movie. Maybe watching the movie is one BIG mistake!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The giant bald space alien is played by Michael Ross. He can also be spotted playing the bartender.


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