Bad Grandpa (2013)

Movie Title: Bad Grandpa

Year Released: 2013

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 32min

Genre: Comedy

Director: Jeff Tremaine

Writer: Johnny Knoxville, Spike Jonze & Jeff Tremaine

Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Spike Jonze, Catherine Keener

Review: Johnny Knoxville is back as the 86-year-old Irving Zisman. Irving has to travel from Nebraska to North Carolina with his 8 year-old grandson, Billy - and 90 minutes of hilarity ensue! I'll be straight with you, the Jackass show and movies make me laugh so hard that tears run down my leg. Knoxville is a comic genius that knows no fear, or taste, when it comes to getting laughs. Some may see this movie as a despicable attempt at humor, but I find it's crude nature charming and gutt-bustingly funny to the point that my laughs become dolphin noises because I can't catch my breath. It's silly, stupid and side-splitting!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The first Jackass movie to receive an Academy Award nomination.


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