Charade (1963)

Movie Title: Charade

Year Released: 1963

Rated: Not Rated

Runtime: 1h 53min

Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Romance

Director: Stanley Donen

Writer: Peter Stone

Starring: Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Matthau, James Coburn, George Kennedy, Dominique Minot, Ned Glass, Jacques Marin, Paul Bonifas, Thomas Chelimsky

Review: While in Paris, Regina Lampert (Audrey Hepburn) finds herself being pursued by several men who want a fortune her murdered husband had stolen. When she meets the handsome and charming Peter Joshua (Cary Grant) she doesn't know whether to fall for him or flee from him. Where can she turn? Whom can she trust? This is the best Hitchcock film Hitchcock never made. It's a suspenseful thriller that actually thrills while keeping you in suspense. A romantic comedy that's actually romantic and is quite funny. Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn have chemistry to spare here. They are wonderful in this picture. It hard for any audience member not to fall in love with them. And what makes this movie even better is the supporting cast of wonder character actors like Walter Matthau, James Coburn, George Kennedy, and Ned Glass. It's a mystery that truly does keep you guessing and it surprised me to the very end. A really gem of a movie!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: During the dance game in the nightclub, Audrey Hepburn's husband, Mel Ferrer, can be seen briefly in the background, smoking a cigarette.


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