Dr. Cyclops (1940)

Movie Title: Dr. Cyclops

Year Released: 1940

Rated: Not Rated

Runtime: 1h 17min

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Ernest B. Schoedsack

Writer: Tom Kilpatrick

Starring: Albert Dekker, Thomas Coley, Janice Logan, Charles Halton, Victor Kilian, Frank Yaconelli, Paul Fix, Frank Reicher

Review: A mad scientist (Albert Dekker) with failing eyesight sends for some of his colleagues to assist in his secret experiments. Upon their arrival they find that the doctor's radium discovery has disastrous potential so he miniaturizes them to one-fifth their normal size to minimize the threat to his maddening work.

The real star of the show is the special effects department, the camera work, the art department's sets, and the art direction. The look of this movie is great and really gives this mad scientist story a unique style. And the effects concerning the miniaturized characters was astounding back in 1940 and is still impressive 80 years later. The over-sized sets and props are first-rate and sell the predicament our protagonists face. It's great fun to watch as our lead actors cut a giant sausage with a giant knife, or try to sew with a giant needle, or try to fight off a gigantic crocodile.

Albert Dekker is certainly chewing the scenery as the title character while he goes mad with his dangerous experiments. He seems like one of those villains that totally believe that they are indeed justified in what they are doing. That makes him menacing and scary. The only problem is that our heroes are not very compelling or memorable. You watch this one for Albert Dekker's performance as the mad Dr. Thorkel. He's wonderful and totally makes this one worth a watch.

Dr. Cyclops is not the best movie ever made and was not quite what I expected when I watch it late one night, but I was quite surprised and impressed with its miniature movie magic. This one definitely has a good eye for sci-fi fun!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The first science fiction film to be shot in three-color Technicolor.


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