Rumble in the Bronx (1995)

Movie Title: Rumble in the Bronx

Year Released: 1995

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 27min

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime

Director: Stanley Tong

Writer: Edward Tang and Fibe Ma

Starring: Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Françoise Yip, Bill Tung, Marc Akerstream, Garvin Cross, Morgan Lam

Review: Keung (Jackie Chan) arrives in New York City to help his uncle (Bill Tung) with his supermarket. When he crosses a tough street gang Keung must use his ridiculously honed martial art skills to stop them, and their deadly enemies in one of the most entertaining action movies of the '90s.

This was my first "Jackie Chan" experience on the big screen and it's also my favorite. Jackie Chan is a true entertainer in every sense. Watching Rumble in the Bronx you truly get that Jackie's enthusiasm, energy, and work ethic is contagious. The cast, crew, and especially the stuntpeople, are all dialed in and going for broke to take action/martial arts movies to a whole new level.

Not only are the stunts and action scenes impeccably done, but Jackie really creates a fun character that has humor, humanity, and humility with everything he does. And the humor in the sight gags, characters, and dialogue really increases the enjoyment with every viewing.

Even with all of the injuries, bloopers, and flubs, Jackie Chan and company look like they are truly having the best time, and that honestly comes through whenever you see a Rumble in the Bronx. Such a great time!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: This film is considered to feature Jackie Chan's Hollywood breakthrough performance.


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