Shaft (1971)

Movie Title: Shaft

Year Released: 1971

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 40min

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

Director: Gordon Parks

Writer: Ernest Tidyman and John D.F. Black

Starring: Richard Roundtree, Moses Gunn, Charles Cioffi, Christopher St. John, Gwenn Mitchell, Lawrence Pressman, Victor Arnold, Sherri Brewer, Rex Robbins, Camille Yarbrough

Review: "Who's the black private dick / That's a sex machine to all the chicks? / SHAFT! / Ya, damn right!" Shaft follows the exploits of private eye John Shaft (Richard Roundtree) when he's hired by a crime boss (Moses Gunn) to find and rescue his kidnapped daughter.

Shaft is not only the Citizen Kane of blaxploitation cinema, but it was a cultural phenomenon. The film gave the African American community a hero, a style, and an attitude that was severely lacking in movies. The character of John Shaft, played impeccably by Richard Roundtree, is a man that is strong, intelligent, confident, and cool as a cucumber, until he's reached his boiling point. Roundtree gives Shaft a swagger that speaks volumes. It's the way he talks, walks, dresses, and carries himself in each situation, dangerous or not, that truly makes John Shaft a cinematic and cultural icon - and they say this cat Shaft is a bad mother... / SHUT YOUR MOUTH! / I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft. / THEN WE CAN DIG IT! He's very Bond-esque in his attitude towards his work and women, and he's got a reputation that all walks of life know and respect, well, except for the villains.

The only criticisms that I have for Shaft is that the villains aren't too interesting and at times the movie's pace seems to drag a bit. But those are minor quibbles.

Now, let's talk about the music. The 'Theme from Shaft', composed and performed by, and iconic in his own right, Mr. Isaac Hayes is one of the great songs ever written. Everyone knows it. Everyone loves it. It explains our hero, his attitude, and it sets the mood perfectly the second it starts in the opening scene. You're probably singing it right now! Right On! I've always believed that the music in a movie is what gives it its soul, and Isaac Hayes' music does just that and then some.

Shaft is a great time! It's more than a movie or a theme song, it ushered in a new sub-genre of cinema and created a cultural icon who's impact and popularity is still felt today. Can you dig it?

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Isaac Hayes auditioned for the title role. Producers cast Richard Roundtree, but were so impressed with Hayes that they asked him to write the now legendary score to the film.


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