The Changeling (1980)

Movie Title: The Changeling

Year Released: 1980

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 55min

Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Director: Peter Medak

Writer: Russell Hunter, William Gray, Diana Maddox

Starring: George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Melvyn Douglas, John Colicos, Jean Marsh, Helen Burns, Madeleine Sherwood

Review: Composer John Russell (George C. Scott) is vacationing with his family when a car accident kills his wife and daughter. Distraught with grief, Russell leaves his home in New York City for a giant, secluded house near Seattle. Soon Russell starts to feel the presence of a ghost, a boy who drowned in the bathtub there. Russell seeks the assistance of Claire Norman (Trish Van Devere), who led him to the house initially, in uncovering the secrets of the boy's death.

Hand up, I'm a huge wimp when it comes to horror movies. That said, I can appreciate The Chageling because it's an elaborate, well-crafted ghost story. Peter Medak does a fantastic job directing this movie and making it eerie and creepy without over-the-top jump scares. Normally, I'm on edge when watching these types of movies, but with this film, I spent more time engrossed in the mystery and trying to piece everything together along with George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere. The music in this film is appropriate and timely, while adding a welcomed dimension to each suspenseful scene. Some of the effects are a bit cheesy, and I even found myself laughing at times, which I imagine wasn't the movie's intention. Perhaps some of this stems from the fact that effects in 1980 obviously weren't as advanced as they are today. Overall, this movie was chilling, entertaining, and adequately terrifying. The Changeling without a doubt stands the test of time, and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the horror genre, or who simply enjoys a good mystery.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The movie is based on events which supposedly took place at Henry Treat Rogers Mansion in Denver, Colorado, whilst writer Russell Hunter was living there during the 1960s. The Chessman Park neighborhood in the movie is a reference to Cheesman Park in Denver, where the original haunting transpired.


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