The Crazies (2010)

Movie Title: The Crazies

Year Released: 2010

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 41min

Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Horror

Director: Breck Eisner

Writer: Scott Kosar, Ray Wright

Starring: Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson, Danielle Panabaker

Review: Anarchy reigns when an unknown toxin turns the peaceful citizens of Ogden Marsh into bloodthirsty lunatics. In an effort to contain the spread of the infection, authorities blockade the town and use deadly force to keep anyone from getting in or out. Now trapped among killers, Sheriff David Dutten (Timothy Olyphant) and his wife (Radha Mitchell) and two companions must band together to find a way out before madness and death overtake them. The Crazies plays like a long episode of The Walking Dead, but instead of zombies, you have a very creepy brigade of infected humans. The infection is more apparent in some people rather than others so the lines between good and evil aren't always obvious. The plot is predictable and cliché at times, but there is a sense of nervousness and terror throughout that will be sure to please horror and thriller enthusiasts. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that Timothy Olyphant does a terrific job in the lead role, really driving the movie as the heroic renegade sheriff. While this movie isn't quite up my alley, it's undeniably terrifying while possessing a straightforwardness that is refreshing. I recommend this film to anyone who appreciates these types of thrilling sci-fi horrors.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Lynn Lowry: Co-star of The Crazies (1973), of which this film is a remake, is an infected local riding a bicycle through the deserted center of town.


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