The Karate Kid (1984)

Movie Title: The Karate Kid

Year Released: 1984

Rated: PG

Runtime: 2h 7min

Genre: Drama, Martial Arts

Director: John G. Avildsen

Writer: Robert Mark Kamen

Starring: Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, Elisabeth Shue, Martin Kove, Randee Heller, William Zabka

Review: Daniel (Ralph Macchio) moves to Southern California with his mother, Lucille (Randee Heller), but quickly finds himself the target of a group of bullies who study karate at the Cobra Kai dojo. Fortunately, Daniel befriends Mr. Miyagi (Noriyuki "Pat" Morita), an unassuming repairman who just happens to be a martial arts master himself. Miyagi takes Daniel under his wing, training him in a more compassionate form of karate and preparing him to compete against the brutal Cobra Kai. The Karate Kid is a heartwarming, underdog story. More than that, it's also a spectacular coming of age movie that revolves around redemption, determination, but most of all, friendship. The relationship between Daniel LaRusso and Mr. Miyagi is genuine and heartfelt. Pat Morita is fantastic as Mr. Miyagi, providing both comedy and profound wisdom that will be sure to make you laugh, but also teach you valuable life lessons. Macchio does a wonderful job as our underdog protagonist, and William Zabka plays the arch-rival, villain character perfectly. While The Karate Kid is certainly formulaic, and may come off as cheesy and predictable at times, it really is a fantastic film that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. I highly recommend this classic '80s martial arts drama!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The yellow classic automobile that Daniel polishes in the famous "wax-on/wax-off" training scene, then later offered by Mr. Miyagi as Daniel's birthday gift, was actually given to Ralph Macchio by the producer, and he still owns it. The car is a 1948 Ford Super De Luxe.


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