The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)

Movie Title: The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires

Year Released: 1974

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 23min

Genre: Action, Horror

Director: Roy Ward Baker and Cheh Chang

Writer: Don Houghton

Starring: Peter Cushing, David Chiang, Julie Ege, Han Chen Wang, Robin Stewart, Szu Shih, John Forbes-Robertson

Review: While on a tour of China, Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) is asked to aid seven siblings, kung fu masters one and all, to free their village from seven powerful vampires and their martial arts army of undead. This Hammer/Shaw Brothers co-production has horror and martial arts action to spare. It's over the top, it's action-packed, and it's a cult classic like you've never seen before. Peter Cushing is reliable as always as the vampire hunter Van Helsing. Every time he's on screen it helps to ground this picture, if that's at all possible. The martial arts action is awesome and just starts happening out of nowhere, much like a musical where characters just start singing. The story is fairly basic, albeit silly, but what were are here for is good fights and vampiric frights...and we get it! At just under 90 minutes this movie doesn't waste time with fluff, it gets right to the good stuff. This was such a bizarre movie that frankly surprised me with just how entertaining it was during my initial viewing. If you like vampires and martial arts then The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires is a must-see! Sweep the leg, Dracula!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: This is the only Hammer "Dracula" film not to feature Count Dracula's name in the title.


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