The Raven (1963)

Movie Title: The Raven

Year Released: 1963

Rated: G

Runtime: 1h 26min

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror

Director: Roger Corman

Writer: Richard Matheson

Starring: Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Hazel Court, Olive Sturgess, Jack Nicholson

Review: A magician (Peter Lorre) has been turned into a raven and seeks out a former sorcerer (Vincent Price) for help.

Roger Corman adapts another of Edgar Allan Poe's masterful works, but this time adds some comedy to the macabre mix of magic and mayhem.

You'll laugh and scream with delight at this tongue-in-cheek horror movie that features a terrific all-star cast. Everyone is game for the on-screen antics, even a very young Jack Nicholson.

It's fun, frightening, and frighteningly fun!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Peter Lorre and Jack Nicholson were fond of ad-libbing their lines, much to the annoyance of Boris Karloff, who was working from the script.


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