Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)

Movie Title: Hobo with a Shotgun

Year Released: 2011

Rated: Unrated

Runtime: 1h 26min

Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller

Director: Jason Eisener

Writer: John Davies

Starring: Rutger Hauer, Robb Wells, Brian Downey, Gregory Smith, Nick Bateman, Drew O'Hara, Molly Dunsworth, Jeremy Akerman

Review: A homeless vigilante (Rutger Hauer) blows away corrupt cops, vile villains, and malevolent mobsters, with his effective and deadly-accurate pump-action shotgun. And that's about it!

Hobo with a Shotgun is the seedy spawn of '70s Grindhouse cinema and started out as a "fake" trailer as part of the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez collaboration Grindhouse (2007), which featured Planet Terror and Death Proof.

With an exploitation title like this one has the movie certainly lives up to what audiences of these kind of flicks want - graphic, over-the-top violence, depravity, vulgarity, carnage, all at a level of sheer nastiness that'll make you want to shower after watching. So it delivers. But, the problem is that it's so mean spirited and unrelenting in its mayhem and grindhouse-iness that you'll feel like your senses have been assaulted and you'll start begging the movie to let up. It becomes too much to bear after a short while. And it's kind of shame.

However, Rutger Hauer, as the titular - Hobo with a Shotgun, gives an amazing performance as he goes full-out and shows why he's a force to be reckoned with. There's really nothing more captivating in a motion picture than witnessing Rutger Hauer delivering a pertinent monologue. He was a brilliant actor, it's a shame that he's gone... and not in a much more entertaining movie.

So Grindhousers, get ready to lock and load with Rutger Hauer and witness the crime rate drop with gritty, gross, ghastly gun-toting glee. Have a blast with Hobo with a Shotgun!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Professional wrestler Jake "The Snake" Roberts was the first person considered for the role of Drake.


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