Legion of the Dead (2005)

Movie Title: Legion of the Dead

Year Released: 2005

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 22min

Genre: Horror, Thriller

Director: Paul Bales

Writer: Paul Bales

Starring: Courtney Clonch, Claudia Lynx, Bruce Boxleitner, Zach Galligan, Chad Michael Collins, Rhett Giles, Andrew Lauer, Emily Caligiuri, Amanda Ward, Chase Hoyt, Aaron David Thompson, Amy Clover, Patrick Thomassie

Review: When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen (Claudia Lynx) are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of the living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all of the powers of the underworld.

I'm not gonna lie, I was looking forward to seeing Legion of the Dead strictly out of sheer morbid curiosity, and I almost stopped watching after the first 5 minutes. The opening scene is so incredibly inept in its construction and execution that I didn't think it would get much better than that...and it really doesn't.

College students investigate a secret Egyptian tomb discovered in California for some inexplicable reason and resurrect a sexy mummy lady that needs six victims to unleash her army of the undead. It's a tale as old as time and great fodder for future film failures of Tom Cruise.

It was nice to see Bruce Boxleitner and Zach Galligan on-screen, but they aren't given much to do for the brief time we get the top-billed stars. The rest of the cast are so unmemorable that you forget their names, faces, and point for most of them being there other than for possible mummy attacks.

The only real action or momentum the movie has is in the last 20 minutes or so and most of is riddled with continuity errors that are so noticeable you wonder if the editor was even paying attention. Let's just say that in several scenes, within the span of seconds the sun is up, then down, then up again. Just shocking! That's not how the sun works! Even I know that.

Going to a museum to see an actual mummy would be a more entertaining experience. I wish this one was so bad it's good, but it's really just plain bad. Legion of the Dead should have stayed that way.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Unravelled was the original working title for Legion of the Dead.


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