Phantasm (1979)

Movie Title: Phantasm

Year Released: 1979

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 28min

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Don Coscarelli

Writer: Don Coscarelli

Starring: A. Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury, Reggie Bannister, Angus Scrimm, Kathy Lester, Terrie Kalbus, Mary Ellen Shaw

Review: Brothers Mike (A. Michael Baldwin) and Jody (Bill Thornbury), along with their friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister), believe that something sinister is afoot at the Morningside mortuary, and the dreaded Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) is behind it all!

Phantasm is a high-concept 70s horror movie that is not held back by its budgetary constraints. Writer-Director Don Coscarelli creates a moody, surreal, nightmarish horror-thriller that has more creativity in one of The Tall Man's severed fingers than in the vast majority of big budget blockbuster before or since. The haunting theme and music score, along with the very clever editing, makes you feel like you're watching a terrifying fever-dream that builds tension and dread that'll keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Our three leads are likable and have a strong bond as they investigate this macabre mystery. This helps us to identify with them and invest in the story. The literal "Big Bad" of Phantasm, The Tall Man, is one of the most underrated horror icons of all-time! Angus Scrimm's portrayal of this towering terror will give you nightmares just from the looks he gives the characters. He's awkward, imposing, and downright spine-chilling as the grave-robbing ghoul. Hearing him say the word "Boy!" will creep you out like nothing else ever has!

But the Tall Man isn't the only thing to be wary of...there's demonic dwarves, a murderous minx, beastly bugs, and the worst of them all...sinister silver spheres that want nothing more to see what's on your mind...LITERALLY!

I've been a fan of Phantasm ever since I saw it as a kid. Some might not be hip to its dreamy, non-linear editing, and surreal storytelling, but trust me it's a unique, original, and creative horror flick that has spawned 4 sequels and an entire legion of die-hard fright fans, me, and hopefully you included! So as the taglines says, "If you're looking for horror that's got balls...IT'S FOUND YOU." Get ready to freak out over the cult horror classic Phantasm!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The genesis of the story came to Don Coscarelli in a dream. One night, being in his late teens, he dreamed of fleeing down endlessly long marble corridors, pursued by a chrome sphere intent on penetrating his skull with a wicked needle.


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