Prime Cut (1972)

Movie Title: Prime Cut

Year Released: 1972

Rated: R

Runtime: 1h 28min

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,Thriller,

Director: Michael Ritchie

Writer: Robert Dillon

Starring: Lee Marvin, Gene Hackman, Angel Tompkins, Gregory Walcott, Sissy Spacek, Janit Baldwin, William Morey, Clint Ellison, Howard Platt, Les Lannom, Eddie Egan

Review: Enforcer Nick Devlin (Lee Marvin) is sent to Kansas City to collect a hefty debt from Mary Ann (Gene Hackman), a vile cattle rancher who's real dealings are drugs and prostitution.

Prime Cut is a tough, gritty, gristly crime thriller that has a dark sense of humor that's as ruthless as its unflinching violence. Director Michael Ritchie has made more enduring, classic movies (The Candidate, The Bad News Bears, Smile, Fletch) than most directors would ever dream to get a chance to make throughout their entire career. Ritchie's view of the criminal underworld, tough guys, women, violence, business, and meat are all put on the chopping block.

Oscar winners Lee Marvin, Gene Hackman, and Sissy Spacek are all at the top of their game as they fight against the literal and figurative slaughterhouse they find themselves in. Marvin is tough and cool as always. Hackman is smarmy and cruel as the villain, and having a blast doing it. And Spacek is vulnerable and sweet as the orphan that needs saving from the harsh life that awaits her.

Prime Cut is all about tough guys squaring off, talking trash, hitting hard, firing back, cutting deep, and taking no prisoners. It's so odd and offbeat that is a kind of a cult classic in a way. It's also the kind of machismo-riddled, blood-spilling, machine gun firing, nudity-filled, darkly comic, crime romp that would never get made today, or think about getting made today, which makes it even better.

If tough is good enough for you then prepare to get tenderized by Prime Cut.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Sissy Spacek's feature film debut.


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