Return of the Fly (1959)

Movie Title: Return of the Fly

Year Released: 1959

Rated: Approved

Runtime: 1h 20min

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror

Director: Edward L. Bernds

Writer: Edward L. Bernds

Starring: Vincent Price, Brett Halsey, David Frankham, John Sutton, Dan Seymour, Danielle De Metz

Review: Philippe Delambre (Brett Halsey), the now-adult son of "The Fly", does some transportation experimentation of his own and SPOILER ALERT - is transformed into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

It's like father, like son in this sequel to the 1959 box-office hit. Like most sequels 'Return of the Fly' doesn't quite have the magic of the first film, but it does have charm of Vincent Price returning as Philippe's uncle.

The shock and awe of the first film is gone, but it does have that B-movie monster madness that take films like these from obscurity to cult classic status. Give it a look to see what all of the buzz is about!

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Vincent Price signed on after reading the first draft of the script. However, the studio demanded re-writes in order to reduce production costs. The re-writes reportedly removed much of what Price liked about the first draft.


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