Pocahontas (1995)

Movie Title: Pocahontas

Year Released: 1995

Rated: G

Runtime: 1h 31min

Genre: Animation, Musical, Romance, Drama

Director: Mike Gabriel, Eric Goldberg

Writer: Carl Binder, Susannah Grant, Philip LaZebnik

Starring: Irene Bedard, Mel Gibson, David Ogden Stiers, John Kassir, Russell Means, Christian Bale, Linda Hunt, Danny Mann, Billy Connolly, Frank Welker, Judy Kuhn, Jim Cummings, Michelle St. John, James Apaumut Fall, Gordon Tootoosis

Review: The Disney animated tale of the romance between a young American Indian woman named Pocahontas (Irene Bedard) and Capt. John Smith (Mel Gibson), who journeyed to the New World with other settlers to begin fresh lives. Her powerful father, Chief Powhatan (Russell Means), disapproves of their relationship and wants her to marry a native warrior. Meanwhile, Smith's fellow Englishmen hope to rob the Native Americans of their gold. Can Pocahontas' love for Smith save the day?

Pocahontas is one of the more controversial Disney films to date, due in large part to it being based on a true story and littered with historical inaccuracies. That said, there is a lot to like about this film aside from the some of the more contentious storylines. Hitting movie screens in the middle of the 1990s resurgence of Disney classics, Pocahontas doesn't quite live up to some of the more elite titles like Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, or The Lion King, but but it's still entrenched into the successes of this era due to it's brilliant aesthetics.

The bright, vibrant watercolors featured in the animation are absolutely stunning. "Colors of the Wind" and "Just Around the River Bend" are two iconic Disney songs that fit perfectly against the setting established by this movie. There is a lot of tension that builds with this movie, but it ultimately pushes through with a thoughtful story about cultural understanding and acceptance. Back story aside, this movie has a great cast, chilling animation, and a fun yet mature story that is ultimately quite enjoyable. Despite some of it's shortcomings, Pocahontas proves to be an skillful presentation of some of Disney's best artistry. For that reason, this film is well worth your time, and just may teach a valuable life lesson as well.

Even if the story from which it draws inspiration was vastly different.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: The first animated Disney movie to feature an interracial romance.


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