Strait-Jacket (1964)

Movie Title: Strait-Jacket

Year Released: 1964

Rated: Approved

Runtime: 1h 33min

Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

Director: William Castle

Writer: Robert Bloch

Starring: Joan Crawford, Diane Baker, Leif Erickson, Howard St. John, John Anthony Hayes, Rochelle Hudson, George Kennedy, Edith Atwater, Mitchell Cox, Lee Majors

Review: After a twenty-year stay in an asylum for a double murder, Lucy Harbin (Joan Crawford) returns to her estranged daughter (Diane Baker) where suspicions arise about her behavior. Joan Crawford's role as an axe-murdering mom is turned up to eleven! Crawford owns every seen in this movie. I can't remember seeing an actress that committed to a role. It has to be seen!

Now, with that said, Strait-Jacket is an over-the-top horror movie that is elevated by Crawford's presence and performance, but ultimately comes out a bit too silly. Director William Castle (House on Haunted Hill) and Psycho author Robert Bloch have created a movie that was definitely made due to the success of Alfred Hitchcock and kind of mimics it a bit. But Strait-Jacket has its moments and has some disturbing and shocking moments that surprised me - and I've seen a lot of movies!

It's an entertaining watch, you get to see early appearances from George Kennedy and Lee Majors, and you get an ax-wielding Joan Crawford ranting, raving, and chewing the scenery for all it's worth. So if you're looking for a cult classic, with a phenomenal lead actress, and axe murders be sure to put on Strait-Jacket.

Stars (out of 4):

Fun Fact: Mitchell Cox (Dr. Anderson) was not an actor, but was the Vice President of the Pepsi-Cola Company. Joan Crawford had made this arrangement without consulting with Producer William Castle.


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